Excerpts of various VAERS_ID from the VAERS database
Excerpt 804489: Pharmacist’s daughter, severe autism
Excerpt 803904: MMR, inconsolable screaming
Excerpt 810799: Hep B vaccine, incurable Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Excerpt 732231: Disabled with Shingles
Excerpt 767411: MTHFR gene mutation
Excerpt 739554: Heterozygous C677t Gene Mutation
Excerpt 785950: Immune-mediated adverse reaction. GSK medically significant
Excerpt 738249: Literature Article. Vaccination Failure Was Fatal
Excerpt 738193: Case in litigation, Patient contracted herpes zoster from vaccine
Excerpt 740671: Literature Article, Hepatitis B Vaccine, Appendicitis, Death
Excerpt 589421: Infant gets seizures, disabled with epilepsy after vaccination