Exploratory Data Analysis
For DIED only
Downloadable CSV file of All Vaccines and All Symptoms.
Ranked by VAX, Symptoms descending
Made available for any researchers, who might like to compare any other studies or documentation to the VAERS field data.
Field Analysis:
First see:
This is the much the same query as:
Top Ten Symptoms By Vaccine – DIED Only
The difference being, that the result set has no Where clause to filter with.
And, basically the same as:
All Vaccines All Symptoms Ranked
The difference being, the addition of the filter for DIED
Please see these posts first.
Download CSV File:
The CSV file is available here.
Zipped File is:
152K Kb in size
18014 rows, comprised of
82 unique VAX codes
2992 unique spellings of symptoms
Download the zip file.
Unzip the file.
Load the resulting CSV file into a spreadsheet.
Analyze the data.