Exploratory Data Analysis
Of those that DIED post vaccination, how many vaccines were they given?
Field Analysis:
First see, Normalized Table AD_2019_ALL_VAX_NORM
select count (DIED) as CNT_DIED , count(*) CNT_VAERS_ID from dbo.[VAERSDATA]
CNT_DIED: 8,150
CNT_VAERS_ID: 759,483
Select count(*) CNT_ALL_VAX_NORM From dbo.[AD_2019_ALL_VAX_NORM] vax
CNT_ALL_VAX_NORM: 1,155,341
Average number of Vaccines for all VAERS_ID:
= 1,155,341/759,483
= 1.52
select count(*) CNT_VAX_DIED From dbo.[VAERSDATA] v join dbo.[AD_2019_ALL_VAX_NORM] vax on V.VAERS_ID = VAX.VAERS_ID WHERE V.DIED IS NOT NULL
CNT_VAX_DIED: 15,499
Average number of Vaccines, given to those that DIED post vaccination:
15,499 vaccines were given to 8,150 individuals
= 15,499 / 8,150
= 1.90 vaccines per DIED
Note: This query could be done using VAERSDATA.VAX_CNT. However, this contained some duplicate records, about 2 dozen. They look like even more clerical errors.
Using the renormalized table, AD_2019_ALL_VAX_NORM, eliminated the duplicate rows.
select sq.VAX_CNT , count (*) Count from ( select V.VAERS_ID , count(*) VAX_CNT From dbo.[VAERSDATA] v join dbo.[AD_2019_ALL_VAX_NORM] vax on V.VAERS_ID = VAX.VAERS_ID WHERE V.DIED IS NOT NULL Group by V.VAERS_ID ) sq Group by sq.VAX_CNT order by 1
VAX_CNT | Death_Count | Percent Weight | Percent Running Total |
1 | 4,568 | 56.049 | 56.049 |
2 | 1,155 | 14.172 | 70.221 |
3 | 1,321 | 16.209 | 86.429 |
4 | 893 | 10.957 | 97.387 |
5 | 184 | 2.258 | 99.644 |
6 | 28 | 0.344 | 99.988 |
7 | 1 | 0.012 | 100 |
Total | 8,150 | 100 |
All data
All years
All vaccines
All deaths, n=8150
On average, the number of vaccines given to those that DIED post vaccination (1.90), is slightly more than the average number given to the whole population in VAERS (1.52).
The majority of all deaths post vaccination, 56 percent, were given only 1 vaccine.
14 percent of all deaths post vaccination, were given 2 vaccines.
16 percent of all deaths post vaccination, were given 3 vaccines.
86 percent of all deaths post vaccination, were given 3 vaccines or less