Exploratory Data Analysis
Of those who became DISABLEd post vaccination, which vaccines were given?
Field Analysis:
First see, Normalized Table AD_2019_ALL_VAX_NORM
Select count(*) Count from dbo.[AD_2019_ALL_VAX_NORM]
Count: 1,155,341
Select count(DISABLE) Count_DISABLEd , count(*) Count_VAERSDATA from dbo.[VAERSDATA]
Count_DISABLEd: 17,644
Count_VAERSDATA: 759,483
The 759,483 VAERS_ID were given 1,155,341 vaccines
= 1,155,341 / 759,483
= 1.52 vaccines per VAERS_ID on average
Select VN.Vax , count(*) Vax_Count from dbo.[VAERSDATA] V join dbo.[AD_2019_ALL_VAX_NORM] VN on V.VAERS_ID = VN.VAERS_ID Where DISABLE is not null Group By VN.Vax order by count(*) Desc
VAX | Count_Disabled | Percent Disabled | Percent Running Total |
HEP | 2,775 | 11.16835 | 11.16835 |
HPV4 | 2,251 | 9.05944 | 20.22779 |
MMR | 1,732 | 6.97066 | 27.19845 |
FLU3 | 1,702 | 6.84992 | 34.04838 |
VARZOS | 1,488 | 5.98865 | 40.03703 |
HIBV | 1,077 | 4.33453 | 44.37155 |
PPV | 1,015 | 4.08500 | 48.45655 |
DTAP | 954 | 3.83950 | 52.29605 |
FLUX | 901 | 3.62619 | 55.92224 |
IPV | 687 | 2.76492 | 58.68717 |
VARCEL | 653 | 2.62808 | 61.31525 |
DTP | 629 | 2.53149 | 63.84674 |
HEPA | 627 | 2.52344 | 66.37019 |
OPV | 584 | 2.35038 | 68.72057 |
PNC13 | 557 | 2.24172 | 70.96229 |
TDAP | 507 | 2.04049 | 73.00278 |
PNC | 470 | 1.89158 | 74.89435 |
FLU4 | 446 | 1.79499 | 76.68934 |
ANTH | 405 | 1.62998 | 78.31931 |
HPV2 | 397 | 1.59778 | 79.91709 |
LYME | 334 | 1.34423 | 81.26132 |
TD | 300 | 1.20739 | 82.46871 |
HEPAB | 260 | 1.04640 | 83.51511 |
HPVX | 246 | 0.99006 | 84.50517 |
TYP | 235 | 0.94579 | 85.45096 |
HPV9 | 217 | 0.87334 | 86.32430 |
MNQ | 213 | 0.85725 | 87.18155 |
RV5 | 201 | 0.80895 | 87.99050 |
DTAPHEPBIP | 173 | 0.69626 | 88.68676 |
FLU(H1N1) | 167 | 0.67211 | 89.35888 |
DTAPIPVHIB | 161 | 0.64797 | 90.00684 |
UNK | 152 | 0.61174 | 90.61859 |
RV1 | 146 | 0.58760 | 91.20618 |
TTOX | 144 | 0.57955 | 91.78573 |
MEN | 139 | 0.55942 | 92.34515 |
DTPHIB | 132 | 0.53125 | 92.87640 |
6VAX-F | 131 | 0.52723 | 93.40363 |
MENB | 128 | 0.51515 | 93.91878 |
RAB | 115 | 0.46283 | 94.38162 |
HBHEPB | 113 | 0.45478 | 94.83640 |
MMRV | 113 | 0.45478 | 95.29118 |
FLUA3 | 99 | 0.39844 | 95.68962 |
DTAPIPV | 93 | 0.37429 | 96.06391 |
SMALL | 89 | 0.35819 | 96.42210 |
YF | 77 | 0.30990 | 96.73200 |
FLUN4 | 75 | 0.30185 | 97.03385 |
FLUN3 | 73 | 0.29380 | 97.32765 |
RUB | 69 | 0.27770 | 97.60534 |
DT | 62 | 0.24953 | 97.85487 |
FLUX(H1N1) | 53 | 0.21331 | 98.06818 |
FLUC4 | 50 | 0.20123 | 98.26941 |
DTIPV | 35 | 0.14086 | 98.41027 |
DTPIPV | 35 | 0.14086 | 98.55113 |
MEA | 25 | 0.10062 | 98.65175 |
BCG | 24 | 0.09659 | 98.74834 |
DTAPH | 24 | 0.09659 | 98.84493 |
CHOL | 23 | 0.09257 | 98.93750 |
MENHIB | 22 | 0.08854 | 99.02604 |
JEV1 | 21 | 0.08452 | 99.11056 |
FLUN(H1N1) | 15 | 0.06037 | 99.17093 |
ADEN_4_7 | 15 | 0.06037 | 99.23130 |
FLUC3 | 15 | 0.06037 | 99.29166 |
DPP | 15 | 0.06037 | 99.35203 |
HBPV | 15 | 0.06037 | 99.41240 |
MM | 13 | 0.05232 | 99.46472 |
RVX | 12 | 0.04830 | 99.51302 |
TBE | 12 | 0.04830 | 99.56132 |
MU | 11 | 0.04427 | 99.60559 |
RV | 11 | 0.04427 | 99.64986 |
PNC10 | 9 | 0.03622 | 99.68608 |
FLUR4 | 8 | 0.03220 | 99.71828 |
MNC | 8 | 0.03220 | 99.75047 |
DTOX | 7 | 0.02817 | 99.77865 |
DTPHEP | 7 | 0.02817 | 99.80682 |
JEV | 7 | 0.02817 | 99.83499 |
MER | 7 | 0.02817 | 99.86316 |
DTPIHI | 6 | 0.02415 | 99.88731 |
TDAPIPV | 4 | 0.01610 | 99.90341 |
DTPPHIB | 4 | 0.01610 | 99.91951 |
JEVX | 4 | 0.01610 | 99.93561 |
HEPATYP | 3 | 0.01207 | 99.94768 |
FLUR3 | 3 | 0.01207 | 99.95975 |
PER | 3 | 0.01207 | 99.97183 |
PLAGUE | 3 | 0.01207 | 99.98390 |
SSEV | 1 | 0.00402 | 99.98793 |
MNQHIB | 1 | 0.00402 | 99.99195 |
MUR | 1 | 0.00402 | 99.99598 |
DPIPV | 1 | 0.00402 | 100 |
Total | 24,847 | 100 |
n=24,847 vaccines
Given to 17,644 VAERS_ID
Average number of vaccines per DISABLEd
= 24,847 / 17,644
= 1.4
88 unique VAX codes found in the result set. In the entire VAERS dataset, there are 92 unique VAX codes found.
HEP is the most common vaccine given before DISABLEd, accounting for 11% of all DISABLEd.
The top 48% of all DISABLEd were given one of the 5 vaccines:
HEP, HPV4, MMR, FLU3, VARZOS, HIBV, PPV. Each of these vaccines account for 4% or more of all DISABLEd.
The remaining 83 VAX codes all account for 4% or less.
Another long tail.