Exploratory Data Analysis
Determining the number one symptom for all 92 vaccines found in VAERS.
As noted in Counts of Each Symptom,
Of all symptoms, Pyrexia (fever) was the most common symptom
Comprising 4.3% of 2,765,759 all symptoms found
Does this apply to different vaccines, or not?
If not, what is the most common symptom for each vaccine?
First See:
use vaers_2019 go select outter.vax , outter.symptom , outter.Vax_Symp_count , outter.Rank_In_Vax from ( Select vs.vax , vs.symptom , vs.Vax_Symp_count , row_number() over ( partition by vs.vax order by vs.Vax_Symp_count desc ) as Rank_In_Vax from ( Select vax.vax , symp.symptom , count(*) Vax_Symp_count from dbo.[AD_2019_ALL_SYMP_NORM] as symp join dbo.[AD_2019_ALL_VAX_NORM] as vax on symp.vaers_id = vax.vaers_id group by vax.vax , symp.symptom ) as vs ) outter where outter.Rank_In_Vax = 1 order by 2, 1
Vax | Symptom | Vax_Symp_count |
ADEN_4_7 | Anaphylactic shock | 16 |
LYME | Arthralgia | 1,033 |
RUB | Arthralgia | 274 |
MNQHIB | Diarrhoea | 5 |
RV | Diarrhoea | 214 |
FLUN3 | Expired drug administered | 989 |
H5N1 | Fall | 1 |
ADEN | Guillain-Barre syndrome | 5 |
ANTH | Headache | 1,319 |
FLUR3 | Headache | 27 |
HPV2 | Headache | 829 |
HPVX | Headache | 302 |
DTAP | Injection site erythema (redness of the skin) | 14,251 |
DTAPIPV | Injection site erythema (redness of the skin) | 3,286 |
FLU4 | Injection site erythema (redness of the skin) | 3,476 |
IPV | Injection site erythema (redness of the skin) | 9,490 |
MNQ | Injection site erythema (redness of the skin) | 3,386 |
PPV | Injection site erythema (redness of the skin) | 13,859 |
TDAP | Injection site erythema (redness of the skin) | 6,845 |
VARZOS | Injection site erythema (redness of the skin) | 12,394 |
SSEV | Injection site swelling | 3 |
HEPATYP | Malaise | 6 |
FLUC3 | No adverse event | 410 |
FLUC4 | No adverse event | 536 |
HPV4 | No adverse event | 6,462 |
HPV9 | No adverse event | 5,114 |
MMRV | No adverse event | 5,817 |
RV5 | No adverse event | 6,639 |
FLUA3 | Pain in extremity | 356 |
TDAPIPV | Pertussis | 21 |
FLUR4 | Product administered to patient of inappropriate age | 234 |
JEV | Pruritus | 91 |
6VAX-F | Pyrexia (fever) | 1,056 |
BCG | Pyrexia (fever) | 125 |
CHOL | Pyrexia (fever) | 46 |
DF | Pyrexia (fever) | 3 |
DPP | Pyrexia (fever) | 63 |
DT | Pyrexia (fever) | 639 |
DTAPH | Pyrexia (fever) | 230 |
DTAPHEPBIP | Pyrexia (fever) | 2,803 |
DTAPIPVHIB | Pyrexia (fever) | 2,054 |
DTIPV | Pyrexia (fever) | 89 |
DTOX | Pyrexia (fever) | 17 |
DTP | Pyrexia (fever) | 10,703 |
DTPHEP | Pyrexia (fever) | 98 |
DTPHIB | Pyrexia (fever) | 2,645 |
DTPIHI | Pyrexia (fever) | 48 |
DTPIPV | Pyrexia (fever) | 162 |
DTPPHIB | Pyrexia (fever) | 66 |
FLU(H1N1) | Pyrexia (fever) | 1,048 |
FLU3 | Pyrexia (fever) | 12,614 |
FLUN(H1N1) | Pyrexia (fever) | 528 |
FLUN4 | Pyrexia (fever) | 539 |
FLUX | Pyrexia (fever) | 4,699 |
FLUX(H1N1) | Pyrexia (fever) | 572 |
HBHEPB | Pyrexia (fever) | 1,734 |
HBPV | Pyrexia (fever) | 77 |
HEP | Pyrexia (fever) | 10,669 |
HEPA | Pyrexia (fever) | 5,313 |
HEPAB | Pyrexia (fever) | 568 |
HIBV | Pyrexia (fever) | 17,955 |
JEV1 | Pyrexia (fever) | 64 |
JEVX | Pyrexia (fever) | 24 |
MEA | Pyrexia (fever) | 245 |
MEN | Pyrexia (fever) | 1,025 |
MENB | Pyrexia (fever) | 2,130 |
MENHIB | Pyrexia (fever) | 94 |
MER | Pyrexia (fever) | 72 |
MM | Pyrexia (fever) | 42 |
MMR | Pyrexia (fever) | 20,898 |
MNC | Pyrexia (fever) | 23 |
MU | Pyrexia (fever) | 49 |
MUR | Pyrexia (fever) | 10 |
OPV | Pyrexia (fever) | 10,333 |
PER | Pyrexia (fever) | 40 |
PLAGUE | Pyrexia (fever) | 11 |
PNC | Pyrexia (fever) | 7,948 |
PNC10 | Pyrexia (fever) | 170 |
PNC13 | Pyrexia (fever) | 6,702 |
RAB | Pyrexia (fever) | 893 |
RV1 | Pyrexia (fever) | 1,618 |
RVX | Pyrexia (fever) | 372 |
SMALL | Pyrexia (fever) | 832 |
TBE | Pyrexia (fever) | 32 |
TD | Pyrexia (fever) | 3,547 |
TTOX | Pyrexia (fever) | 563 |
TYP | Pyrexia (fever) | 1,494 |
UNK | Pyrexia (fever) | 999 |
VARCEL | Pyrexia (fever) | 11,518 |
YF | Pyrexia (fever) | 790 |
DPIPV | Strabismus | 1 |
CEE | Vomiting | 2 |
92 rows/Unique Vaccines | Total | 247,394 |
The total count of this subset is 247,394.
Pyrexia (fever) is the number one symptom in 58 vaccines
Comprising 149,701 counts of the symptom
60% of the subset
Pyrexia is the number one symptom overall and the number one symptom for 58 vaccines.