Reactions By Age Group

Exploratory data analysis.
Counts of all reactions in the VAERS database, by Age Group.
All years, from 1990 til early 2020.

Field Analysis:

Please see:

Reactions by Age Group:

use VAERS_2019; go select CASE WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 10.0 THEN '0 to 10' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 20.0 THEN '11 to 20' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 30.0 THEN '21 to 30' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 40.0 THEN '31 to 40' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 50.0 THEN '41 to 50' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 60.0 THEN '51 to 60' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 70.0 THEN '61 to 70' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 80.0 THEN '71 to 80' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 90.0 THEN '81 to 90' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 400.0 THEN '91 plus' END AS Reaction_Age_Range , count(*) as Count from ( Select yrs.Age_yrs_Round from dbo.[VAERSDATA] V join dbo.[AD_2019_AGE_YRS_ROUND] YRS on V.VAERS_ID = YRS.VAERS_ID where YRS.AGE_YRS_ROUND is NOT NULL ) as ages group by CASE WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 10.0 THEN '0 to 10' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 20.0 THEN '11 to 20' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 30.0 THEN '21 to 30' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 40.0 THEN '31 to 40' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 50.0 THEN '41 to 50' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 60.0 THEN '51 to 60' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 70.0 THEN '61 to 70' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 80.0 THEN '71 to 80' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 90.0 THEN '81 to 90' WHEN [AGE_YRS_ROUND] <= 400.0 THEN '91 plus' END order by 1; go


Reaction_Age_RangeCountPercent WeightPCT Running Total
0 to 10228,93036.7236.72
11 to 2087,58014.0550.77
21 to 3048,5077.7858.55
31 to 4045,4737.2965.84
41 to 5043,2736.9472.78
51 to 6052,9438.4981.27
61 to 7067,24610.7992.06
71 to 8036,8515.9197.97
81 to 9011,3451.8299.79
91 plus1,3020.21100


36.72% of all reactions are in the age group: 0-10.

Numerically speaking, children look to be affected much more by vaccines than adults.

Is this because of the number of vaccines they have received? Because their young bodies cannot handle the vaccine? Because of the contents of the vaccine? Or something else?

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